Oaivemozit/Madness/Galskap 2013: Reindeer herders in the Nordic regions are gradually being pressured out of their lands due to industrial establishments and growing infrastructure for the growing society – a process that threatens the existence of the Sami people and their culture – a political madness that has occupied Máret Ánne Sara for years. Originally from a reindeer herding family she asks, who is mad? The Sami communities foreseeing a world on the brink of destruction? Or the people denying the drastic consequences foreseen by the people affected?

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Pile o´Sápmi inner Finnmark district court, Tana, February 2016

Pile o´Sápmi inner Finnmark district court, Tana, February 2016

Pile o´Sápmi, installed outside the Inner Finnmark District Court, Tana, February 2016. Jovsset Ante Sara, the artists little brother goes into court to defend his reindeer, his traditional way of life, his livelihood and income, and his families ancient inherited rights. The Norwegian government has activated forced culling of the Sami peoples reindeer and they are forcing Jovsset Ante Sara to slaughter his herd to 75 reindeer. Sara claims that this will force him to bankruptcy and thereby force him away from his traditional way of life, his culture and the families ancient inherited rights. The system of the forced slaughtering is affecting great loss for many individuals, especially for the smallest reindeer herders such as the youth who are in the establishment phase. A whole society is affected, the recruitment of Sami reindeer herding is being efficiently strangled and a whole culture is threatened. Sister Maret Anne Sara piles up 200 raw reindeer heads outside the courthouse to get attention, public awareness and critical debate around the case.
Filmed: Matti Aikio


Gielastuvvon (Snared) 2018

Gielastuvvon (Snared) 2018

Spirals of the Pile (2018)

Spirals of the Pile (2018)

Pile o´Sápmi Supreme (2017)

Pile o´Sápmi Supreme (2017)

Ale Suova Sielu Sáiget/Don´t let your soul be torn (Venice Biennale 2022)

Ale Suova Sielu Sáiget/Don´t let your soul be torn (Venice Biennale 2022)

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Sámi Pavilion | Venice Biennale

Sámi Pavilion | Venice Biennale

Gutted-Gávogalši, Venice Biennale 2022

Gutted-Gávogalši, Venice Biennale 2022

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Suodji mis jus sajáidagáimet dovdat (We´ll have shelter for as long as we know our place), 2020

Suodji mis jus sajáidagáimet dovdat (We´ll have shelter for as long as we know our place), 2020

Sara made this piece on comission for the MEG museum in Switzerlandmade to the exhibition "Environmental unjustice - Indigenous alternatives". The piece is made of metal mesh and gámasuoinnit (traditional Sámi shoegrass), and hand sown traditional Sámi reindeer boots. Sara made her fathers traditional reindeer-skin boots into a hat, in hope of bringing the ground nearer to our heads, to connect our heads with our feet and standing. To reconnect modern mans head with mother earth’s intellect.

Du-ššan-ahtan-uššan, Venice Biennale 2022

Du-ššan-ahtan-uššan, Venice Biennale 2022

Sara´s first olfactory work is presented through two suspended, cloud-like forms of reindeer sinews. The smell in one conjures the ongoing stress and fear experienced by humans and animals such as the reindeer due to colonial processes; and in the other, the hope needed to resist and generate a new future.

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Dressed with heritage - Crowned by foreign fate, 2019

Dressed with heritage - Crowned by foreign fate, 2019

Mixed media, digital collage


Máret Ánne Sara is an artist and author. She is from a reindeer herding family in Kautokeino and currently works in her hometown. Máret Ánne is the initiator of Dáiddadállu Artist Collective. She has published two novels and was nominated for the Nordic Council’s Children’s and Young Literature Prize in 2014 for her debut book “Ilmmid gaskkas” (published in Norwegian in 2014 and in English in 2016). The follow-up “Doaresbealde doali” was published in 2014.

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Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter

Stiklestad Alle 350, 7656 Verdal, Norway


Olsokutstillingen og Årets olsokkunstner er en sentral del av kulturfestivalen Olsokdagene. Temaet for 2023 er RESSURSER OG RIKDOM, og KRAFT er SNKs tolkning av det. Videre er Museene Arvens overordnede ambisjon å bidra til et livskraftig demokrati.

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© 2023 Maret ANNE SARA
